Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cutting more jobs? So be it, says Boehner

John "The Crying Man" Boehner makes the false claim that President Obama has added " 200,000 new federal jobs" and then says if those jobs are cut by the Republican budget cuts, "So be it."

In reality, President Obama has added between 20,000 to 52,000 new Federal jobs ( depends on who you ask ) and further as a percent of the total US population the number of Federal jobs is at the lowest point it has been in over fifty years!

There is your Republicans focused on job creation. There is your Right Wing values. Save the tax cuts for the rich, cut the rug out from under the poor and eliminate jobs as they do it!

From Boehners own lie filled mouth. Cut jobs? So be it!

To see the video for yourself, you can find it on YouTube HERE.

Timestamp 10:26 of the video.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Did the Koch Brothers buy the United States Supreme Court?

The New York Times broke a story today.

Common Cause Asks Court About Thomas Speech

When questions were first raised about the retreat last month, a court spokeswoman said Justice Thomas had made a “brief drop-by” at the event in Palm Springs, Calif., in January 2008 and had given a talk.

In his financial disclosure report for that year, however, Justice Thomas reported that the Federalist Society, a prominent conservative legal group, had reimbursed him an undisclosed amount for four days of “transportation, meals and accommodations” over the weekend of the retreat. The event is organized by Charles and David Koch, brothers who have used millions of dollars from the energy conglomerate they run in Wichita, Kan., to finance conservative causes.

Both Justices Scalia and Thomas attended the Koch event as speakers, THEN went on to cast the deciding votes in the controversial Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case.

The vote was 5-4. But, considering Scalia and Thomas had financial and political ties to the Koch Brothers, should they not have recused themselves from the case?

The result of this court decision opened the floodgates of special ( corporate ) interest money into the waiting arms of politicians.

Had these two Justices recused themselves as would have been proper, the vote would have gone the other way 3-4, thus preventing the corporate political lobby from spending tens of millions of dollars on negative ads attacking both Democrats and Rebublicans for the "leftist" leanings.

In other words, in this decision, we see the funding to push America further and further to the right. So far right that Reagan, Nixon and Eisenhower policies would be considered leftists and in some cases, even socialist, by comparison.

How can Supreme Court Justices participate in political strategy meetings with ultra conservatives and then rule on the rights of those ultra conservatives to spend tens of millions of dollars to further their own political agenda? Is this not a conflict of interest?

Were Justices Scalia and Thomas legislating from the bench in favor of their billionaire friends? Should they have recused themselves? Should they be allowed to stay on the highest court in the land when the integrity of their decisions is now in question?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Remember Egypt!

Take a long hard look at the image above.

What do you see?

Do you see violence?

Do you see American flags being burned?

Do you see Israeli flags being burned?

Do you see women in black burkas?

here's what you don't see:

You don't see hate.

You don't see radical fundamentalism.

What you see are people that dress like we do, and want the same things we do. What you see are people who are standing up for their beliefs without pointing a gun or strapping on a bomb. What you see are human beings that are just like us.

Look at the women of Tahir Square:

head scarves to be sure but look at them. They wear eye shadow and colorful clothing, earrings and jewelry.

No one knows where this revolution will lead. It may take years before we can look back and say this point is where it all changed for the better or worse. What we do know is the people of Egypt stood up with a raised voice, not a raised gun and demanded change. And they won.

It is important that the rest of us look to their example and remember, that these people, people just like us, had the courage to make that stand and face death in order to gain freedom and liberty.

and remember how the Professiona Right paints these events:

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Do not let them push you into their paranoia. Do not let them infect you with their fear and delusion. They do it for ratings and political gains. Do not let those terrorists win.

Be better than this.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Eisenhower/Nixon: Socialists!

In a 245 to 189 vote on January 19th, the House passed a repeal of the "job-killing" Health Care Reform Act. As the battle continues, Americans are bombarded by the propaganda of the Professional Right Wing as they scream Socialism from every rooftop. But, they forget the roots of the plans that have been proposed and the very people who proposed them.

In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower proposed a National Health Care system.

Eisenhower asked Congress for $25 million to fund what he called health "reinsurance."

Under the Eisenhower plan, private insurance companies who extended benefits to uninsured Americans would be reimbursed by the federal government should they incur excessive loses. In a way, the government was insuring the insurers.

Eisenhower said:

Because the strength of our nation is in its people, their good health is a proper national concern; healthy Americans live more rewarding, more productive and happier lives.

The good health of the people is a proper national concern!

Eisenhower's efforts to insure every America with tax payer money failed, but the standard was not dropped forever. In 1974, President Richard M. Nixon proposed the Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan ( CHIP ). It would have allowed for every American to receive health insurance. The plan would have been paid for through a combined effort of the employed, the employer and the government.

Nixon placed health as important as any other factor in an American's ability to chase after the American Dream.

Without adequate health care, no one can make full use of his or her talents and opportunities. It is thus just as important that economic, racial and social barriers not stand in the way of good health care as it is to eliminate those barriers to a good education and a good job.

Both plans fell to the left of the Health Care Reform bill passed by the Obama administration. Both plans called for more government "intervention" than the current law. And yet, the Conservative right still screams about Socialism.

Socialists of the Right

By their own definition, if proposing the Health Care Reform Act shows us that President Obama is a Socialist, as the Right Wing propaganda machine would have us believe, then, by that same logic, both Eisenhower and Nixon were socialists as well.